Ürün 2023


Mixing and pump unit for radiant systems




COMBIMIX is a mixing pump unit for radiant systems. Flow temperature is controlled with a two-way valve, adjusting the quantity of heating/cooling fluid to mixing (“injection” system). The unit is available in version with fixed-point adjustment by thermostatic head, or version suitable to weather-compensated adjustment by servomotor and controller with outdoor sensor. In the latter version, COMBIMIX can be used also in cooling applications.
Equipped with balancing, shut-off, air-vent and fill/drain valves, COMBIMIX combines all the necessary functions in a small, easily accessible space. The unit can be completed with IVAR manifolds featuring balancing and control valves on each radiant distribution circuit., and with horizontal- or vertical-structure manifold kits to supply high-temperature heating bodies upstream of the mixing zone.

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