Product 2023

Waste Heat Boiler (Turkey)

Hot Oil and Salt Boiler // Waste Heat Boiler




■ Thermal Oil Boilers outlet gas tempetatures is over 300°C which provides min. %10 of energy loss of total capacity. ■ That energy is usally more efficiency in steam production. Waste heat recovery boiler is required.
■ Superheated Salt Boilers outlet gas temperature is over 500°C lt. is possible to generate both steam and thermal oil. Heat loss min. %20. Waste heat recovery boiler is required, due to temperature value.  ■ System could be water piped or smoke piped. Due  to temperature changes of the outlet gases, should be integrated into the existing boiler or where there is not enough energy could be actvated with an additional fuel to the flue gas and provide continious heat generation.
■ To release gas in a pressure rise, a bypass valve is required. ■ Waste heat recovery boiler equipment is the same as that produced in existing boiler standards.
■ It is a compact structure consisting of; condensate tank, degasser, pump group, water softener unit and fixtures. ■ Remote control panel,
■ Simple to operate and maintain.


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