Established in Istanbul in 1967, Termo Isı Sistemleri Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş. has become one of the leading companies in the heating sector today with its Ecostar and Ecodense brands.
As Turkey's leading burner brand, Ecostar specializes in two main burner groups: monoblock (domestic) and duoblock (industrial). In the burner group, Ecostar has the most diverse and widest range of products in our country, including liquid, gas and dual fuel products and special burners for different fuel types. With an approach focused on the environment and energy conversion, we have added new burner series with low NOx and CO emissions to our product range, and continue making investments in such products uninterruptedly.
In addition to domestic and industrial burner groups, Ecostar provides services with its special products developed for all industries in need of heat, with hot air generators, high temperature resistant process burners for industrial furnaces and fluidized bed boilers.